Static and Dynamic websites

Static and Dynamic websites

Websites are webpages where you see the content of that websites, this can be text, audio, video anything. Websites are of two types one is a static website and the other is a dynamic website.

Static websites are those where the content of the website does not change frequently. To add, improve or remove any content we have to change the code of that website. Even to make a little change we have to go to the code and make changes there. So it is a very complex task to add content to the website. These websites can be made using only HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Most content of the code is HTML and very little CSS and JavaScript in static websites. These are the very basic type of websites. Human interactions are very little on these websites or we say no interaction. These websites have no server and no database to store data. because this is not necessary to spend a lot of money in making this scale website.

On the other hand in the case of dynamic websites, the content changes frequently from person to person, location to location and from time to time etc. Social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram etc. are dynamic as everyone's feeds are according to their friends, their interests, their history etc. everyone's feeds are different from each other. Video streaming platforms such as youtube etc. are also dynamic as in these also your feeds are according to your interest. In short, what you want to watch, listen or read on these platforms will show you that. Expect these features anyone can upload or post their images, videos, articles etc. On these platforms. These all things are called interaction and the user interacts with a website or platform. This interaction is possible in the dynamic website not in the static website. In a dynamic website, a server and a database exist where the code and users' data of that website are stored. The history, comments, likes, dislikes etc. of users are stored in the database. That data is further used to make that website more interactive and find out business solutions. If we want to add content in website, we only have to add that content in the database not in the code as in the static website. So dynamic websites are more interactive and user-friendly than static websites but are more costly because of cost of servers and databases than static websites.

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